Year-round United Way is hard at work researching community needs, investing the money it raises, and tracking results.
United Way’s impact strategy focuses on ensuring children get a strong start in school, youth earn the credentials they need to thrive in the job market, and people of all ages have an opportunity to improve their economic status and live a healthy life. That’s why we partner with local leaders in each community to tailor solutions to the particular needs and aspirations of the people who call it home. There is one common thread in United Way’s work around the world, though, and it is this: We are about the “bigger picture,” that prescription for lasting change that goes beyond single-issue solutions and temporary fixes. When we combine our broader vision with resources and boots on the ground, we create permanent and positive change that lifts up entire communities.
United Way is focused on creating large-scale, population-level social change in our community. Breaking cycles and improving the quality of life for those in our community depends on engaging the entire community, and on doing things differently.
To ensure lasting change, United Way utilizes a planned approach, with objectives that include:
Our Impact Model
We engage our closest supporters and volunteers in our work and provide opportunities for them make a difference.
We create game-changing impact by investing in solutions that are sustainable, scalable and measurable; that results in real community change.
We capitalize on manpower to find new ways to solve old problems.
- Day of Caring
- Project Connect
- Society of Emerging Leaders
- Youth Day of Caring
We are your community partner who understands the issues that matter most and come ready with innovative solutions to address them. Our deep local roots afford us firsthand knowledge of our community problems and potential, along with the local relationships and expertise needed to bring much-needed change.

Financial Stability
Helping families in our community become self-sufficient and move from financial instability to financial stability.
United Way NSV seeks to engage the entire community in our work without regard to race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, & expression, disability, sexual orientation, veteran-status, familial status or socio-economic status. That commitment will be reflected in all aspects of United Way NSV’s work – service delivery, staffing or volunteer participation.
ALICE, an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, is a new way of defining and understanding the struggles of households that earn above the Federal Poverty Level, but not enough to afford a bare-bones household budget.